Peanut Butter Puffins

Who could resist some tasty peanut butter puffins as a well-earned snack in the afternoon? Here's a cool way to make them for yourself so you can have them whenever you want!

puffins peanut butterOK, I really just have to say this... If your an addict of totally bad TV like me, then you might have come across the really trashy and mindless show that's called "The Girls Next Door."

It's about the girlfriends of Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner. Anyhow, on the show one of the girls always calls him, "Puffin" and you know I can't help but think of this cool cereal.

OK that aside, here's some nutrtional info for you:

Nutritional Information

A 3/4 cup serving of this great snack contains:

It's not really bad at all for peanut butter cereal plus it's way lower in sugar than Reese's puffs. So here's my deal with this cool cereal: The individual bits in there are HUGE.

They're almost like little cookies! So if you want to eat it as a convention cereal, using a spoon and all, you're going to find it just a little on the difficult side.

But these puffs are truly fantastic, although I would eat this as a late snack, sans spoon, oh and preferably with my trusty fingers. These are not overly on the sweet side but with a gentle hint of sweetness, they're crunchy and they have an amazing peanut buttery taste!

If you were to give these to kids, I doubt they'd notice how healthy it is and also how low in sugar. Puffins peanut butter is really great, so don't forget to tell Hef's girlfriend to give him some other pet name. I mean, really... come on Puffin?

It's a bird after all and a really and truly yummy cereal! Whatever next... call him Weetabix?